Morta's Use Cases

Job Management

Written by Mo Shana'a | Jun 9, 2021 8:09:46 PM

Create and manage job orders on Morta.
As part of Facility Management, and after an issue is raised for the repair of a facility or an asset, the job is then assigned for a Consultant to complete. Job Management is then the responsibility of a specialized consultant that has to record job orders against the issues raised and track the job towards completeness. 

Morta provides templates to submit and track job orders efficiently. This is linked to the registered facilities as well as the recorded issues. Create your job orders using a simple form. The form includes a reference to the issue, the date of the job order, the consultant assigned for the job as well as a description to brief out the repair or maintenance works required. This form can be further customised to include more information that you might require.

Created jobs are then logged into a simple table and can be managed and tracked. Asset owners, as well as Consultant supervisors, can review the job orders and verify the completeness of the works done.

Related Use-Cases:

This use-case belongs to the 'Facility Management' solution and is therefore related to use-cases such as Facility Management, Issue Management, Job Management and Invoice Management