Morta's Use Cases

Engineering Register

Written by Mo Shana'a | May 28, 2021 12:51:40 PM

Submit, track and manage engineering deliverables. 
In its simplest form an Engineering or a Drawing register is a list of drawings for a company or project. The list usually includes the drawing number, title, revision, discipline, author and a date. This list of columns may have additional references or information that helps the users of the specific register such as job number or client name. It is used to keep a record of all the drawings in existence, monitor submissions, track versions and ensure the correct copies issued for construction reach the involved parties at office and site in a timely fashion. The register can be built in coordination with the engineering schedule, which allows to track analytics like planned versus issued drawings.

Morta provides templates to build and track an Engineering Register. The process starts with populating the register using a simple form after which a review cycle can take place. The form allows to add details like drawing numbers, titles, originator, system, level, type, location, discipline, classification and suitability. This form can be customised to include more details as required.op


After the submission of drawings, the register is formed into this simple table. Reviewers can then add their comments and remarks after having access to all the details. The register can be managed and further linked to the issuance process to track completeness.

For the register to be streamlined and error-free, Morta offers a space where you can manage the library behind the data used to identify or tag the drawings. These are part of your project's reference data and can form the drop-down menus on each of the details like drawing types, disciplines, originators, levels, locations or classifications. Manage Engineering picklists in a simple process. 

Related Use-Cases:

This use-case falls under the topic of 'Information Management' and is related to use-cases like Document Management and BIM model Management