Morta's Use Cases

Project Information Requirements

Written by Mo Shana'a | Oct 13, 2021 7:31:07 AM

Go through a series of digital tasks to produce your Project. 

As part of the assessment and need process, Project information requirements (PIR) are defined by the appointing party. They identify the information needed to satisfy strategic objectives at key decision points during a design and construction project. Although a PIR is an internal document that is not expressed in tender or appointment content, it is fundamental to the robustness of the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR). 

This use-case takes you through the steps of producing Project Information Requirements  in accordance with the considerations listed in BS EN ISO 19650-2 clause 5.1.2.

The use-case is part of the digital tasks created in "Smart Standards: An approach to implementing ISO 19650-2 using tasks in a digital process"  proof-of-concept project managed by the Centre for Digital Built Britain and enabled by the Construction Innovation Hub.