Morta's Use Cases

Project’s information production methods and procedures

Written by Mo Shana'a | Oct 13, 2021 12:17:48 PM

Establish and view your project's information production methods and procedures. 

Each appointment must contain an information protocol, i.e. all lead appointed party’s appointments and all appointed parties’ appointments. According to the UK BIM Framework Guidance, the project’s information protocol sets out the rights and obligations of the two parties entering into an appointment that requires the management or production of information. 

This use-case takes you through key considerations and steps you have to take when drafting the project’s information protocol in accordance with BSI ISO 19650-2. 

The use-case is part of the digital tasks created in "Smart Standards: An approach to implementing ISO 19650-2 using tasks in a digital process"  proof-of-concept project managed by the Centre for Digital Built Britain and enabled by the Construction Innovation Hub.