Digital Plan of Work (Beta Version)

Plan your digital works using a series of tasks. 

Arcdox DPoW

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What is the Digital Plan of Work? 
The "Digital Plan of Work" (DPoW), is a "plan", to deliver the "digital representation" of a building or infrastructure asset (similar to a “plan” to deliver a physical asset). It is a documented record of the project details, the Participants, and the Tasks and Deliverables for each stage (What, Why, Who, When, Where or How). This FREE tool takes you through the necessary steps to produce the Responsibility Matrix & Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP), as required under ISO19650-2.
Project Challenge 
Take a spreadsheet-based management tool into a web-based collaborative data management tool, to overcome the limitations of spreadsheets:
  • Spreadsheet are “desktop” files (limited access)
  • Access controlled by one person (the information manager).
  • Difficult to get input from multiple parties to produce and control/manage the digital plan of work.
  • Information stored in multiple “worksheets” and difficult to aggregate across projects.
Who was the Digital Plan of Work developed by? 
The spreadsheet-based DPoW tool was developed by ArcDox BIM Consultants in Ireland. Established in 2009 as the first specialist BIM consultancy practice in Ireland, ArcDox has been providing professionally managed services to the construction industry to enable and support the use of BIM, to help achieve productivity gains and better outcomes on a wide range of construction projects. ArcDox's services include BIM consultancy advice, production resources, implementation support and training.

The Digital Plan of Work tool includes:

  • A series of steps you need to take to produce your responsibility matrix and information delivery plans
  • Reference information such as UK and/or Irish annex to ISO19650-2 and Uniclass 2015
  • Easy to capture and manage information from multiple parties
  • Query, re-sort and filter versions of your information delivery plan
  • Better understanding of who is responsible for what and when in the project
  • Automated production of deliverables that can be exported to Excel, Word or PDF if necessary.

Digital Plan of Work Dashboard